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Bring values of Bein Adam L'Chavero to life

through games, storytelling, and critical thinking activities



There’s no better way to spend a day with your group. Groups of all kinds enjoy getting to know each other better, establishing clear lines of communication and deeper relationships. These workshops can be run for any age group. They are perfect for shul and community youth groups, young adults, and families.


These workshops run from 1 to 2 hours for up to 30 participants.



Leadership development workshops can be beneficial for a wide range of community groups, including youth groups of all ages, shul boards, and staff. Participants will learn how to better create connections with others. These workshops are a great way to help participants develop confidence in themselves and their decision making. With hands-on activities, participants leave the workshop feeling confident and empowered to step into leadership roles and ready to inspire others to invest in their mission.


These workshops run from 1 to 2 hours for up to 30 participants.



Connecting to people and God through lessons from the wilderness, Rabbi Tani uses captivating storytelling to entertain and inspire. Weaving in Torah ideas, he recounts his experiences in the wilderness helping others break self-imposed limitations. Once you experience the wilderness, you can’t deny God's hand and you can learn to embrace your strengths and weaknesses.


These presentations run from 45 min to 1.5 hours.



Music can be a powerful shared experience and song can take over when words are not enough. A motzei Shabbos guitar kumzitz with Rabbi Tani is a musical journey, including song, storytelling, and Torah, that brings kavannah and connection, to Hashem and one another. Learn about the Song of the Wild and how to tap into nature’s tranquility as a way to deepen connection to Hashem.


These programs run from 1-2 hours.



Want Rabbi Tani to join your community for an entire Shabbos? Ending with a guitar kumzitz, a Shabbos with Rabbi Tani is a fun and musical experience that will engage community members of all ages. With davening, shiurim, and storytelling for the adults and games and hands-on activities for the young (and young-at-heart), it will be a shabbos you always remember.


Date night team building workshops are a fun and engaging way to spend a night out together. Couples will play games and solve puzzles utilizing and developing their communications skills. The games are specially designed for the frum community, and any couple can comfortably join in. After each game there is a short discussion about what communication styles worked and didn’t, what challenges they encountered, and how they were able to collaborate to succeed.


These workshops run from 1.5 - 2 hrs for 10 couples.



With an emphasis on developing relationships, these talks focus on those parenting issues you’ve always wanted an answer for. Through engaging storytelling, Rabbi Tani will help parents gain respect for their child, step into the role of leader in the home, and learn how to recognize, value, and utilize their child’s unique skills and personality.


These presentations run 45 min - 1.5 hours.

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